PhD. Ramón Rivero Pino

He graduated in Political Sciences (1986) at the Lenin University of Kazan, Russia. He is Doctor in Philosophical Sciences (1999) awarded by the National Tribunal of Philosophy, Sociology and Political Sciences of the Republic of Cuba. He is Full professor and Senior researcher at the National Center for Sexual Education of the Republic of Cuba; Head of the Teaching and Scientific Research Department of CENESEX; professor of Community Development, Family and Gender Orientation, Sociopolitical Theory, Gender, Gender Identity and Integral Sexuality Education and History and Bases of Social Work. He is a member of the International Networks of on Social Representations and president of the Masculinities Section of the Cuban Multidisciplinary Society for the Study of Sexuality; member of the faculty of the Excellence Master in Community Development and the Doctorate Program in Community Development both of the Marta Abreu Central University of Las villas (UCLV, Spanish acronym), Cuba. In 1999, his doctoral thesis topic was Gender and Paternity. He is coauthor of the book El Autodesarrollo Comunitario. Crítica a las mediaciones sociales recurrentes para la emancipación humana. (Community Autodevelopment. Critique of recurrent social mediations for human emancipation), Editorial Feijoo, Santa Clara, 2004 and author of the following books: Familia, Género y Salud (Family, Gender and Health) published in Argentina, 2004; Testimonios que Honran (Testimonies that Honor), Editorial Feijoo, 2004; Intervención Comunitaria, Familiar y de Género (Community, Family and Gender Intervention) published in Ecuador, 2010; Reflexiones sobre Género (Reflections on Gender), 2010; and coauthor of the book: Desarrollo Local-Comunitario. Desafíos actuales para América Latina (2010) (Local community Development. Present challenges for Latin America), Trabajo Social (Social Work). He is compiler and author of the books: Pensar las masculinidades (Thinking about masculinities) and Lo local-Comunitario: Ámbito y Cualidad de la Educación Integral de la Sexualidad (The local-communitarian: Scope and Quality of Integral Sexuality Education), published by Editorial CENESEX in 2013. (All books are in Spanish. In 2004, he was awarded the Special Distinction of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Cuba. One of his books in which he shared authorship with colleagues of the UCLV Center for Community Studies was awarded a Prize of the Cuban Academy of Sciences